
中外合作项目 当前位置: 首页 - 国际合作 - 项目介绍 - 中外合作项目


作者: 更新日期:2021-06-28 点击次数:


  • 数字媒体应用技术专业(中外合作办学)

Digital media application technology.



Sino-Italian Program was co-launched by SCAVC and ABA Cuneo, a well-known public fine art institute. The Program has been listed in national unified college student enrollment system after approval of Sichuan Provincial Education Department and being recorded by the Ministry of Education of China. Based on the art design and three-dimensional design courses of ABA Cuneo, our program introduces Italian design concept and high-quality resources, integrates our strengths of information software application courses, and brings up compound application-oriented students equipped with information communication theory, digital media technology and design management ability. The length of schooling is three years. After finishing all the courses, students will obtain diploma respectively issued by SCAVC and course certificate issued by ABA Cuneo.

三、项目特色Program features

  • 中意双证毕业,可申请赴意专升硕

    Graduation with dual certificates and opportunities master degree in Italy

  • 意大利设计领域名师执教,将艺术与技术紧密结合

    Perfect combination of art and technology delivered by Italian top artists

  • 语言外教全英文授课,摆脱英语“0”基础

    English learning environment by foreign teachers clearing language barrier for students

  • 培养模式对标国际行业需求,就业面广阔

     International industry standards for facilitating graduates employment

四、授课语言Language of instruction

英语、中文English and Chinese